
2021-12-20 小学英语作文


小学五年级英语作文 篇1

  Today, I learned piano back, mother gave me to eat melons. I said: I can only eat half. Mother said: that was cut in half! I say: good. Mother will give me cut half a melon, later, I ate ate, found some of which ar...

小学五年级英语作文 篇2

  Hello. I'm Timmy. I like to eat eggs ang milk for breakfast. I often eat my breakfast at home. It starts the day .

  I often have lunch at school. For lunch, I often eat rice and meat. It can give me energy.

  For supper. I often have vegetables and apples. They are good for health.I after supper within grandparents at home.




小学五年级英语作文 篇3


  One time, on Sunday, our teacher organized a boys and girls basketball contest.

  我们分为两队,男生叫做猛龙队,女生叫做飞凤队。 比赛开始了,老师一发球,我们对队的得分王,便夺得了篮球直接投了三分球,那个球在空中划过了一条美丽的弧线,最惊险的是另一幕。我们队的中锋正准备传球,谁知被女生抢走了。于是,把球抢回来的重任交给了我。正当那个女生准备传球时,我瞄准一扑,把球拦了下来,并把球投了进去,得了2分。

  We divided into two teams, the boys called raptors, the girls called the Phoenix team. The beginning of the game, the teacher serves, we on the team in scoring, he won the basketball directly into three ball, the ball in the air across a beautiful arc, the most dangerous is another scene. Our team's center is preparing to pass, who knows the girl away. So, getting the ball back with a burden to me. When the girl to pass, I aimed at the ball, stopped, and throw the ball in, got 2 points.


  Since then, I fell in love with the basketball.


  I really miss my childhood!

小学五年级英语作文 篇4

  Turned around, the original Showtime in the toy hit me, I am speechless, "usually someone else coax me, but let me coax you today." No way, I can only coax her.

  Language teacher left us an article entitled "in the new things", the weekend morning I wrestled with the subject matter, write grandmother to learn the computer, it is nothing new; write the sun hit the west out of it, and impossible. In my big headache when the cousin with my little niece pleased to come, said the company had something to ask me to take something, I would like to take the child what is difficult to promise down.

  Xinxin white fat, little arms with the lotus section of a length of a pair of water Lingling big eyes full of curiosity about this world, I like her very much. Because I have not finished writing homework, I put her on my bed to continue writing.

  For a while I heard the cry of "wow, wow", a look at her diaper, I loudly denounced her: "how do you not say ah?" This is under her cry even more, I know what to do Hastily coax her, give her for pants, spent a lot of effort, finally cry, I took her a lot of toys, and continue to write essays. Suddenly I felt something back attack, turned around, the original Showtime in the toy hit me, I am speechless, and usually others are coax me, but today I let you, no way, I can only say: "Xinxin good "I am ready to continue to the desk side, who knows she began to hit me, I am angry:" You hit me again, and then hit me, do not believe I beat you ah? I Can be very responsible to tell you that I am very angry consequences are very serious, youknow? Own play, hear no! "She blinked a pair of big eyes, it is estimated that the fear, and obediently to play to the side.

  After a while writing or not write, Showtime did not move strange strange, I turned back, Huh People? Where did this little thing go? I dropped the pen, hurry to find her climb in the living room to climb down, almost fell from a high place, scared I was a cold sweat ah, how girls are so naughty ah? I quickly went to hold her down, but it was estimated that because my lion roared her scared and also angry, that is not down. I have to say: "Well, well, happy, I was wrong, come down." "No, unless you tell me the story." "I promise you." Finally the little guy coax happy, but I think How can i tell the story? Just teach young guys back ancient poetry it

  "Well, oh, oh, back poetry." I took out illustrations of ancient poetry and literature, pointing to an illustration: "This figure is good? We will Go back to this bar. Goose, goose, goose, song items to the sky song. White hair floating green water, Anthurium dial clear wave. "Showtime several times will be," Xinxin really smart, and then back several times. Several times. "I'm breaking her faint fingers, she will be a moment will be, and I am pleased to say:" Xinxin really smart. " , 9-3? "" 6. "" 3 +4? "" 7. "" Awesome!

  Wait until the cousin came back to see the joy of the ancient poetry will be back, and will be considered arithmetic, and happy to say: "really fresh, children take care of children, but also take care of very good, usually really underestimated you." "Of course, Just do not do, one is absolutely blockbuster. "The cousin they sent away, I found that writing has not written, I think today to take care of small niece thing is not what I want to write the subject matter? To write this, the title is called "new things on the weekend." Hey hey!

小学五年级英语作文 篇5













小学五年级英语作文 篇6

  Night when the waves of blowing autumn, peace flooded, at this moment, my family has heard a burst of loud.

  "Told you several times, you do not talk nonsense, okay," her mother yell of "not to play with you later"

  "Yeah, without no zone, there are no big" I Lengheng a cry, what is so amazing, not that you go out to play, I do not go out is not enough, while I muttered to the side of his mouth, then, do not know when the tears from my cheeks over the edge, I fight back, hard wiped away tears, did not let my mother found. When I go back to looking at her mother, she has gone, this time I, under the endless tears like rain, like tears one hand side, I have some regret, I should not have told her to do that, then time when I said something wrong, should not my mother this way, I grew more and more sad, sorry.

  Middle of the night, I had the sheets to the board, do not know what pair of warm hands on my quilt cover in my body again, cover tightly, and then on the side like a look at me, back when she's gone the time, I found it was a familiar figure - her mother, then, I could not conceal his grief, burst into tears up, my mother heard, and quickly run over.

  "How, baby, why you crying" Mom stroked my face and spoke, he wiped my tears

  "Hum, my mother, I was wrong," I said, holding her mother crying

  "No, baby, you is not wrong, your mother should not be so fierce on the" mother smiled at me

  I feel as if a lot easier, I carried my mother, while an apology, while the tears flowing

  Mom, thank you for your love, I am wrong, please forgive me, I should not talk nonsense, I should not have you angry, I know you love my mother, and I will always love you, my good mother ! !

小学五年级英语作文 篇7

  I like goldfish, Because goldfish is beautiful.

  It is orange on the left, It is red on the right. I says:"wow,goldfish is beautiful!"

  This is a red goldfish,It live in the aquarim.Aboy want to catch the goldfish,but the goldfish run

  I like very beautiful the goldfish!Because goldfish is a very cute!

小学五年级英语作文 篇8

  my english friend name is jim. he is ten, his family in london,he and his family member comes our china to play.he has a cosin,he name is qianyu hi is oniy four years old,but he has a lot of qu...

小学五年级英语作文 篇9

  The summer vacation had come round again. I was happy that I could forget about school at least for a while. Lest I fool around all through this summer vacation, I made...











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