
2022-01-28 小学英语作文


小学五年级英语作文 篇1

  Sharon is four years old. She is pretty. She has a doll. It is pretty. Sharon has blonde hair. The doll has blonde hair. Sharon has short hair. The doll has long hair. Sharon gets a pair of...

小学五年级英语作文 篇2

  As the saying goes, "depend on parents at home, out by friends"。 Yes, a friend will always help us, they grow in the happy together with us。

  Lady cut with the same short hair, but the bang clip together, a quiet, laughing eyes narrowed into a little man who is it? Yes, she is my good friend —— Ye Zichao。

  Because live nearly, so often play together, became inseparable friends。

  One Saturday, I go with Ye Zichao learn Chinese calligraphy。 Originally we are talking and laughing as always together, can the, my depression, without a word。 Ye Zichao stopped "what's wrong with you?" "No, nothing。" "You can't full me, quick say!" "Well, I tell you。 Last week learning interest class, to learn, be scolded by the teacher, I can't。" I'm going to cry, a BiSuan, tears in her eyes。 But she said: "it's okay, like to learn calligraphy, there are no pains, no gains! Which teachers don't want their students study well? The teacher is good for you!" I keep back the tears, blinked my eyes a little red。 She added: "that's ok, take it easy, a cake, just be careful。 Don't be sad, go, go learn Chinese calligraphy。"

  I was impressed with this thing, because it is a classmate of my concern, concern is a good friend to me。 I listened to her, think she's right, which the teacher didn't want their students to learn well, as long as I work hard, will bear fruit。

  Look! This is my good friend Ye Zichao。 She is so concerned about friends, I wish our friendship last forever。。。




  一个星期六,我和叶子超一起去学毛笔字。原来我们一起走时总又说又笑,可那次,我闷闷不乐,一言不发。叶子超停下了脚步“你怎么了?”“没,没什么。”“你满不了我的,快说呀!”“好吧,我告诉你。上个星期学兴趣班,没学好,被老师骂了一顿,我真不敢去了。”我快哭了,一阵鼻酸,眼泪到了眼眶里。可她却说:“没事的,就像学毛笔字,有付出才有收获呀!哪个老师不希望自己的学生学习好呢?老师是为你好呀!”我忍住眼泪,眨了眨我那有点儿红的眼睛。 她又说:”没事,放松点儿,一个兴趣班嘛,只要认真点就好了。别难过了,走,学毛笔字去。”



小学五年级英语作文 篇3

  It was sunday afternoon. li ming and i were walking to the park. suddenly we saw a boy fall off his bike. we both hurried to him. since one of his legs was hurt badly the boy couldn't stand up. he began to cry and we tried to comfort him. we put him on the bike and took him to hospital. the boy got treated at once. i telephoned his parents and told them about the whole story.

  They thanked us again and again. it was dark then and we said goodbye to them. we felt happy though we couldn't get to the park.

小学五年级英语作文 篇4

  One of my classmates was knocked down by car last term. He was badly hurt. He had to stay in the hospital for several months. We were very sad.

  One night, he felt very hungry. He wanted to buy some easy noodles to eat. He ran very fast. He didn’t stop when the traffic lights were red. He couldn’t escape. His legs were injured. He said that was a terrible(可怕的) memory. He said he would obey the traffic rules forever.

  Please always remember the traffic rules. It is very important for us. Life is wonderful. Let’s obey the rules at any time.(约100字)

小学五年级英语作文 篇5


  星期五下午,我们503班排着整齐的队伍来到大礼堂。一进大礼堂,只见里面人山人海,挤得水泄不通。我观察四周,大礼堂到处可见五彩缤纷的带子、牌子。售货员正滔滔不绝地向顾客介绍着产品,好做出买卖。我好不容易走了进去,一件件玲朗满目的商品,看得我眼花缭乱,挑选什么好呢?每一样都是那么的好看、实用。我犹豫了一会儿,来到文具类的地方,左挑挑,右拿拿,终于选中了一件商品——学校的袋子。我举起袋子,问售货员:“How much is it?”(这个多少元)。

  “Two yuan.”(2元)。售货员马上回答我。我拿出2张1元的学校专用的钱,递给了她。她拿起一个纸袋给了我。后来我又挑选了许多东西,有纸杯、笔记本、笔。我高高兴兴地满载而归。


小学五年级英语作文 篇6

  This afternoon, mother bought me a toy called happy little farm, there is a shovel, lady beetle, scissors, bottle and a potted flower. Mother let me take the happy little farm out play with children ze ze, ze z...

小学五年级英语作文 篇7

  The line graph shows the percentage of males and females who have records at different ages ,the pie chart indicates the percentage of males and females in prison in the UK in 20xx.

  Acorrding to the ling chart ,the rate of males rise sharply from 10 ages to 20ages and reaches its highest point at 20 ages about 10%,with a gentl decline during the rest ages until 60 ages .For femals,the rate changed gradually and reached its top at nearly 20 ages about 2%,and then droped slightly. It should be noted that people from 10 to 20 are the largest numbers that who have criminal records,and it interesing to be noted that the number of males are larger than that of females.

  As can be seen in the pie chart,the proprotion of men is much larger than that of women,which account for 96%,while the females are 4%.

  Obviously,the comparison show that men tend to break the law than women.

小学五年级英语作文 篇8

  Night when the waves of blowing autumn, peace flooded, at this moment, my family has heard a burst of loud.

  "Told you several times, you do not talk nonsense, okay," her mother yell of "not to play with you later"

  "Yeah, without no zone, there are no big" I Lengheng a cry, what is so amazing, not that you go out to play, I do not go out is not enough, while I muttered to the side of his mouth, then, do not know when the tears from my cheeks over the edge, I fight back, hard wiped away tears, did not let my mother found. When I go back to looking at her mother, she has gone, this time I, under the endless tears like rain, like tears one hand side, I have some regret, I should not have told her to do that, then time when I said something wrong, should not my mother this way, I grew more and more sad, sorry.

  Middle of the night, I had the sheets to the board, do not know what pair of warm hands on my quilt cover in my body again, cover tightly, and then on the side like a look at me, back when she's gone the time, I found it was a familiar figure - her mother, then, I could not conceal his grief, burst into tears up, my mother heard, and quickly run over.

  "How, baby, why you crying" Mom stroked my face and spoke, he wiped my tears

  "Hum, my mother, I was wrong," I said, holding her mother crying

  "No, baby, you is not wrong, your mother should not be so fierce on the" mother smiled at me

  I feel as if a lot easier, I carried my mother, while an apology, while the tears flowing

  Mom, thank you for your love, I am wrong, please forgive me, I should not talk nonsense, I should not have you angry, I know you love my mother, and I will always love you, my good mother ! !












小学五年级英语作文300字 小学五年级英语作文300字