
2022-02-24 小学英语作文


小学五年级英语作文 篇1

  I have a beautiful school.

  In the spring,the weather become warmer and warmer.And the trees become green.Some birds are singing on the trees.The flowers are open.Some butterflies are fly over the flowers.In the fall,the weather is windy.The leaves of trees like butterflies are in the sky.

  What a beautiful school is!I like my school.

小学五年级英语作文 篇2

  Today, I learned piano back, mother gave me to eat melons. I said: I can only eat half. Mother said: that was cut in half! I say: good. Mother will give me cut half a melon, later, I ate ate, found some of which ar...

小学五年级英语作文 篇3

  I like goldfish, Because goldfish is beautiful.

  It is orange on the left, It is red on the right. I says:"wow,goldfish is beautiful!"

  This is a red goldfish,It live in the aquarim.Aboy want to catch the goldfish,but the goldfish run

  I like very beautiful the goldfish!Because goldfish is a very cute!

小学五年级英语作文 篇4

  If you want to ask me what is the most interesting thing about the Spring Festival, I will answer: walk the ice on the grandfather's side!

  When I was outside my home, when I finished my homework, I would call a group of small partners and put on the skates to play downstairs together.

  There is a slope about forty degrees in the community where the children live. Our kids are good at ice walking. They like to go straight from the slope, because playing like this can not only reflect our boldness, but also show our walking technology. It feels great. But down the slope of our heart will be particularly nervous, afraid of wrestling, because that will be very miserable! Until we reach the slope, we will be relieved, and the stones in our heart fall down.

  Small children are very naughty, many people after not immediately returned to the downhill slope, but the slope under the "waiting" is rushed down, the "wait", just want to have a good scare is downhill, scare them to cry.

  Our kids are naughty, but the basic safety measures will be done well. When a car passes by, it will wait on the roadside. When the car passes, it will not bring any trouble to others.

小学五年级英语作文 篇5


  星期五下午,我们503班排着整齐的队伍来到大礼堂。一进大礼堂,只见里面人山人海,挤得水泄不通。我观察四周,大礼堂到处可见五彩缤纷的带子、牌子。售货员正滔滔不绝地向顾客介绍着产品,好做出买卖。我好不容易走了进去,一件件玲朗满目的商品,看得我眼花缭乱,挑选什么好呢?每一样都是那么的好看、实用。我犹豫了一会儿,来到文具类的地方,左挑挑,右拿拿,终于选中了一件商品——学校的袋子。我举起袋子,问售货员:“How much is it?”(这个多少元)。

  “Two yuan.”(2元)。售货员马上回答我。我拿出2张1元的学校专用的钱,递给了她。她拿起一个纸袋给了我。后来我又挑选了许多东西,有纸杯、笔记本、笔。我高高兴兴地满载而归。













小学五年级英语作文 小学五年级英语作文