
2022-04-24 新年


英语新年作文 篇1

  Today is Mid-Autumn Day,I'really happy.Mid-Autumn Day is a holiday in China. It's an occasion for family reunion. Chinese families like to get together to eat the moon cakes and watch the moon at the Moon Festival night. For the people who are out of town or for Chinese people who stay .In the evening, I with my prenents see she moon,the moon was very bright,and I fall in love with the moon!

英语新年作文 篇2

  We seem to be sitting in time machine. Then came the New Year in 20xx. I have a lot to say, like the colorful balloons.

  I took the first sky-blue balloon. This sky-blue balloon is my best wish. The wish is: "let the people of our class test in one! Argue for teachers and parents!" Of course it's not as simple as the old saying goes, we must study carefully and examine carefully. For our two - seven class.

  I took down a second red balloon. This balloon represents the earth distress signal. This wish is: "hope all the earth's disabled people. The blind are all restored." Of course. It's not so whimsical. We will pay for the handicapped and help the blind to cross the road. But some people can't do it, just like cutting a piece of meat from themselves.

  So I got a third balloon. This is a green balloon. Represents the pollution of the earth. This wish is: "we must cherish the environment." But we can't do it now. We litter and cut down trees. Like the children who killed mother earth, the mother earth gradually lost its luster, and the disaster fell on people's heads. So we should not litter or cut down trees.

  I took another yellow balloon. It represents reunion, and hopes that people all over the world can live happily. And it can be reunited every Mid-Autumn festival. If my father is not at home during the Mid-Autumn festival, please have someone else. I don't think anyone can replace my dad, because anyone's dad has a gentle temper and a warm hand, so my fourth wish is reunion.

  I got another pink balloon...

英语新年作文 篇3

  New Year resolution

  When it comes to New Year resolution, everyone has his or her own plan to change the way of life. As for me, when New Year is around the corner, there are also many ideas popping in my mind.

  First and foremost, I will try my best to get rid of my shortcomings. For instance, sometimes when encountering frustrations, I am prone to lose heart. So I will endeavor to be more diligent and perseverant and learn to change the difficulties into impetus. Second, for the book is the ladder of human progress, it is necessary for me to spend more time reading books which can broaden my horizons. Last but not least, I’d like to participate in some activities for the sake of making my college time more meaningful and colorful, which to some degree is intimately attached to the ability of verbal expression and interpersonal skills.

  All in all, New Year is a new start of our life, what we should do is making a well preparation. Just as the going says “success occurs when preparations meet opportunities”.

英语新年作文 篇4

  "100 Li different wind, thousand li different vulgar." This sentence is really bad! The Spring Festival in Beijing is quite different from the Spring Festival in my hometown.

  In my hometown, the twelfth lunar month after sixteen days, the working people must get home, make preparations for the new year. There are colorful firecrackers on the street.

  The twelfth lunar month twenty be busy, all the thing in the home to wash out, home tidy up, but the Spring Festival with a Everything looks fresh and gay. scene.

  We are like ants to the twelfth lunar month Ershijiuyi, like running. The people of the whole village got up early and went to the gathering to buy things that were used in the past year. Every family to buy fifty or sixty pounds of pork, two big tofu, do a lot of delicious.

  The new year's Eve, every family in the chickens to kill ducks. Ten miles away can smell the smell of blood. Early in the morning, the men and the children took the chickens and ducks to the small temple near the river, and killed the chickens and ducks on the stone lions. When he came back to his door, all the women cooked hot water. After the chicken and duck are cooked, the couplets begin. Each couplet is pasted with a homemade rice paste. Next is the "fried date", the children go to the kitchen, both hands to grab a lot of running, the children like the Spring Festival is one of the reasons is this. In the evening, people put on new clothes. After sleeping, the man has to get up at three or four a.m. and open the door cannon. There must be a red light in the night, and it must be 35 days.

  At the beginning of the first month of the month, the family was so quiet that only a few old people sat watching TV. The young lads are climbing to pray for the coming year, or be promoted step by step.

  At the beginning of the month of the month two, she went to grandma's home for a new year. A lot of grandmother's family, walk to one, eat one. The stomach seems to be broken. At the beginning of the month is eight, nine, ten of the three days is a culmination of the new year. Every household prepares tribute to greet the Bodhisattva. I take a flag with some good friends, and my father and the old man carry the Bodhisattva. It is said that the child can read very well, and the adult will make a fortune. Where the Bodhisattva is, there is the sound of firecrackers. We are the children always afraid of fireworks hit, let them later on, each to a place to stop, we will be burning tears. People have hung red envelopes on the necks of the Bodhisattva.

  After the three days, everyone was busy. The children are also waiting for school.












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