
2022-02-21 邀请函


英文的邀请函 篇1

  Dear 。。。。

  It is my great pleasure to invite you to come and work in my laboratory in the School of 。。。。。。 as a part of your PhD training with 。。。。l University.

  The period of training in my laboratory will be for 12 months beginning in September of 20xx. It is my understanding that your stipend and health insurance will be covered by a scholarship from China. I will provide the necessary funds for the supplies required for you to undertake research within my group. No tuition payment will be required by T。。。

  I would also like to point out in this letter that I am satisfied that you(。。。)meet our standards in English language proficiency for foreign students. We are looking forward to the time that you will spend with us. I have no doubt that you will make a valuable contribution to our research. Yours sincerely,

英文的邀请函 篇2

  To: Embassy of the United States of America

  Attn: Whom it may be concerned


  Dear Sirs/Madams,

  Im a citizen of the United State of America, and here below is my details information,


  Date of Birth:


  Peter Wong MM/DD/YY XXXXXX Sex: Passport No.: Address: Male XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX

  I would like to invite my parents to come and visit the place where I lived, as well as go some

  sightseeing in famous cities of United State (Las Vegas, San Francisco, San Diego and Grand Canyon etc.).

  Here below please find information of my parents

英文的邀请函 篇3

Dear :

  Please accept my apologies for the delay in acknowledging your invitation for on . I have been away from the office and only just returned.

  Luckily, I have no other plans for the date you mention, and shall be happy to see you at at the Black Swan Restaurant.


英文的邀请函 篇4

  Join us! Matt and Allison are tying the knot! Take the plunge with them Saturday, June 22nd, at their Engagement/Beach Party. There’ll be no chance to get cold feet at this sizzling hot summer party! Takes place at Turtle Beach.

  This party is no stuffy ceremony, so join in if you want to see the couple let their hair down one last time before the walk down the aisle!RSVP by Friday, June 15th. It’ll be a blast!




英文的邀请函 篇5

Dear Mr/ Ms.:

  In the past year, we carefully build the platform, you are our concern and support of the wealth of the protagonist.

  The new year is ing, we love their family happy together to achieve network. In order to thank you for your support of a year, we will return to 20xx 14:00 in January 10th in Qingdao Le Grand Large Hotel on the first floor of the temple held Regent Regent 20xx customers will have excellent programs and lucrative prizes waiting for you, waiting for you to visit!

  Let our friendship with Syria, plan for the future, for more wealth next year, more happy!

  Human Resources Department

  X X 20xx

英文的邀请函 篇6

Dear sir/madam

  XX and I have set the date — and we want you to be the first to know it. We’re going to be married very quietly at the Community Church on Thursday,June the twelfth,at noon.

  We want you to come to the ceremony,and also to the wedding banquet afterward at home.We’ll be looking for you,XXXX,at eleven! With my best regards!

   Mount Holly,New Jersey

英文的邀请函 篇7

Dear sir/madam:

  We would like to invite you to an exclusive presentation of our new . The presentation will take place at , at on . There will also be a reception at . We hope you and your colleagues will be able to attend. is a leading producer of high-quality . As you well know, recent technological advances have made increasingly affordable to the public. Our new models offer superb quality and sophistication with economy, and their new features give them distinct advantages over similar products from other manufacturers.

  We look forward to seeing you on .

  Just call our office at and

  we will be glad to secure a place for you.

  Sincerely yours,

英文的邀请函 篇8

___________ miss / mr.,

  Spring is the head, bow into autumn, XX company ushered in a new year ninth. We know that in the development of the road can not do without your cooperation and support, we have achieved results in your hard work. For a long time, but long joint. As a mature professional XX company we cherish your choice, we are willing to share with you the joy of the new year and look forward to the new year. We invite you to XXXX company held a new year's reception, and you talk about friendship, looking forward to the future. Be glad to hear and answer.

  Human Resources Department


英文的邀请函 篇9

  dear xxxxxx

  xxxxxx industries would like to request that you and a representative of xxxxxx visit us in the united states sometime within the next few months.as you know, it has been several years since we last met in china and it is very important to both parties that we continue building our relationship.

  Given the new “molded parts” we will soon be procuring from you and the increased business we are anticipating over the next several years brought on by new federal legislation, currently taking place in the united states.

  best wishes,













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