
2017-11-16 元旦



  New Year's Day, New Year's Day a little friends, cheering, shouting, ran, clamor! New Year's Day holiday, what would you use it the way to meet it? Put firecrackers, fireworks, hanging banners, hanging lanterns or reunion dinner it? Today, our family reunion dinner to eat myself! Less than lunch time, I'll call my grandparents say the elderly go to a restaurant and ask them a nice dinner, and they waited a long time to discuss, finally agreed! At noon, a clear division of our family, my father and I drove over to pick my grandparents, my mother went to a restaurant or choose the right location spot some dishes in advance. Fortunately, we have to sit before dinner table, I ordered all my favorite foods! For example: long beans, yam pork ribs, pickled pork, escargot ...... and so on! Maybe I'm too much or because the save points, in addition to her mother ordered two grandmother favorite dishes, but also no in order now! Long-awaited finally one dish on the table, I see saliva down three thousand feet! Grandma seems to be a mind reader, immediately said: "The dishes have come, eat fast Ya-Ya!." I also rude, pick up the chopsticks to eat. (Do not think I can eat or rude oh) just those dishes too attractive! Burnt to death I myself! The old adage of good! "Eat Hot Tofu" Because hot, so start a chat, I tell the story to our class they listen, they heard a laugh! My mother said: "You still really little man!"

  元旦了、元旦了小、朋友们欢呼着、叫着、跑着、闹着!   元旦节日,你会用什么样的方式来迎接它呢?放鞭炮放、烟花、挂横幅、挂灯笼还是吃团圆饭呢?   今天,我们全家要吃团圆饭喽!不到中午吃饭的时间,我就给爷爷奶奶打电话说请他们老人家去饭馆吃顿好的,和他们商量了老半天,终于是同意了!中午,我们一家人分工明确,我和爸爸开车去接爷爷奶奶,妈妈先去饭馆选好位置或提前点些菜。   我们都坐好在饭桌前,我点的都是我最喜欢吃的!比如:长豆角,排骨山药,梅菜扣肉,田螺……等等!也许是我点的太多还是因为节省,除了妈妈点了两个奶奶爱吃的菜,也就没在点菜了!   盼望已久的菜终于一个个上了餐桌,看的我口水直下三千尺!奶奶好像会读心术,立马说:“菜都来了,快吃吧!丫丫。”我也就不客气了,拿起筷子就开吃。(不要认为我很能吃或者没礼貌哦)只是那些菜太有吸引力了!烫死我喽!有句老话说的真好!“心急吃不了热豆腐”因为烫,所以开始聊天,我把我们班的故事讲给他们听,他们都听的开怀大笑!妈妈说:“你们还是真人小鬼大”!


  Today is the first day of the New Year, the morning of fresh air and sunshine, mother took me to feel the New Year's day outside the atmosphere. Street vehicle comings and goings, flowing very lively, mother took me to the supermarket to buy things, supermarket bustling, originally people rush to buy New Year gift! My mother said he wanted to buy a toy, I say: "I is the big kid don't car these toys, it would save some money to buy school things," then I will take some learning supplies and a cake billet to do our own cake to celebrate New Year's day. On the way back to my grandma's I saw many shops, supermarkets in glass written on New Year's day wishes everybody happy, return to my grandma's I took the cake billet and brother in above the text is made. Less than half an hour a nifty bright homemade cake will appear in the present, this is really a happy New Year!






  Distant bell, bid farewell to a memorable yesterday, crisp firecrackers, proclaimed a new era.

  Time is like a never-ending river, hastily and quietly flows from the people around them. Unconsciously, a memorable 2009 hurried away, ushered in a new years, and began our journey.

  20xx, January 1 is the first New Year's Day after we entered junior high school, do you lie in bed in the memories of the past year sweat, joy and pain? Grow like a piece of blue and white squares soaked with tears ---- moist handkerchief and sad. Sometimes a drop of passionate tears can grow out of a dye traces; sometimes laughter can be heard reciting draw beautiful rainbow.

  Before we committed errors will be turned into a pool of tears, greeted us just better future. Our lives should not be filled with tears, and some just more fun. When we encounter difficulties, do not worry, stop and think about where we are not wrong. And so quiet your mind, you may have to bury the hatchet and difficulties, so that your life will be colorful.

  Friends, when New Year's bell will soon ring, and when we have to bid farewell to the past year, when in a hurry, this time you're thinking about? Are sorry you yesterday? Or think about the future? I think Whether you are in the sorry past, or in carefully painted a bright future, please firmly grasp all belongs to us today. Especially tonight, because today we are happy, and be happy!

  In the new year, we have many things to do, there are a lot of learning tasks to complete, we will face many new challenges. Let us unite, let us leave with a new hope! Raising the future of sailing, Dangqi wisdom sculls, sail through the waves! Students! Let the New Year's bell accompanied expand confident brow, to take advantage cherish the good times today, to meet the hopeful tomorrow! success in front, it is waiting for you and me to go to Imagine, to challenge, to forge ahead ......!








  Time is like a never-ending stream, quietly flowing from our side. One worthy of our memories hurried away in 2014, ushered in a new 2015.

  New Year's Day holiday for three days. New Year's Day this year how too? Mom and Dad with me in previous years are the roots, parks, while playing eating delicious snacks. Think of every festival many people, especially in public places, many people on the ground of trash everywhere. Our beloved sanitation workers have to work hard for several days, in order to clean up the garbage. So, I give myself arranged a special task: the New Year's day make a return to the glory of "green angels" can be considered to my civilized norms in 2015 opened a good start.

  Why not action. Eat lunch, I just big bags in one hand, one hand holding the iron clip on foot (do not take the mother's car, so more environmentally friendly) airport to downtown.

  Steady stream of vehicles to travel in the streets, pedestrians coming and going. Streets are lined with flags fluttering in the wind, in front of shops Raise the Red Lantern, very festive atmosphere. But the contrary is the roadside, on the sidewalk, almost every place someone can always see a lot of rubbish! I walked to pick up, unknowingly came Shimei Square.

  "Ha Pooh," while spitting disgusting sound coming from in front of me. My Mother looked, turned out to be a suit, shoes polished bright uncle slip to the ground spitting. I big frown, rightly said: "Uncle, now is a low-carbon environmental community, please do not spit!" Uncle looked at me, somewhat embarrassed, and apologized:. "I'm sorry, then I must pay attention."

  Uncle looked away in the back, I feel very proud. So I pick up all the way along the way, came from Shi Mei Plaza Yushan. Should not someone littering it! Just when I triumphantly, appeared in front of a new "enemy." ! A six-year-old little girl, positive relish eating potato chips, eating put the bags went to the floor and cried throw my "attack" of the time: "The kids, eating things can not throw the bag! "" Why? Some adults also thrown on the ground! "the little girl replied plausible. I think she was a child, not with her gas, had patience, said: "! If everyone littering the ground will be filled with garbage, stinking, more unsanitary," the little girl said, blushing : "Oh, little sister, I know that should throw the dustbin."

  Sunset, I've persuaded a lot of people, "repented", but also gain a lot of "loot." I thought: If everyone in the body as a responsibility, our Changshu will become more beautiful, more environmentally friendly!

  Half down, although I felt tired, but I think this is my flies the most meaningful New Year!










  New Year's Day afternoon, my dad took me to finish the job my family bought a new house there to play, I can not wait to get on daddy's electric car is gone.

  We pass by Song State Park. Dad let me play, although some people in the park skateboarding, some in cycling, some people swing in the soup, as well as in rowing, but I'm not interested. So we came to the academy swiftly Village - my family's new house downstairs. The car my father asked me to lock the electric car, he went to get the key to open the door. Dad touched pocket dawned forgotten my key, my father said:. "Otherwise we come back another day to go home, or I go home to take the keys, you wait here," I like ants on a hot pan and recite the same I do not want to go home and do not want to wait here, and had said sadly: "! Then go home," Dad saw my face and annoyed, he Jizhongshengzhi think the property management department is not there a key to it, So my father and I took the key to the property management office, opened the door. I am happy pranced.

  Through this, since I know that no matter what you do, not careless, otherwise big mistake.





  Yesterday, I had in Tongxiang grandmother a happy New Year! Think they want to Tongxiang Been to New Year's Day, and I was very happy.

  Last night, about quarter past six, we came to Tongxiang. Tongxiang New Year's Day, the top decorated streets, crowded, crowded. We went to "Dongxing commercial" look. Into the building, we embarked on the second floor to see the new clothes. Because too many people, we are hand in hand, so as not to get lost. We looked for some time, decided to give my father to buy a very nice new clothes. Dad walked into the dressing room to wear. When he put on new clothes to come out when I saw it, could not believe this is my father. Because after wearing new clothes, my father appeared to be as young and beautiful. So I said to my father. After listening to my words, my father indescribably happy.

  Next, we went to the children's clothing department, my parents picked up a very nice pants. I am very happy.

  Then we go out Dongxing Building, above the street walking a go. The road there are a variety of stalls: stalls toys, video stalls, fruit stalls ...... every stalls are around a lot of people. I think we can not so much Wuzhen people. I am very curious, so I looked for a moment in every stalls.

  Ah, Tongxiang New Year's Day, a real buzz, really makes people feel happy and joyful.

  The hour is late, we take the car home. The more open the car farther away, I will reluctantly went home.

















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