
2018-01-04 周记










  After spending the winter vacation, I started to recollection the annual winter vacation by accident. On the side of us, almost every year it snowed. Not only that, but the winter here is also very colorful.

  When was the winter of this year? By the holiday, I looked at the bright ice pillars at the edge of the window and began to think about it. It was a low temperature afternoon. My mother asked me to go out to buy some fireworks and firecrackers. I was catching up with new year's Eve recently. Most supermarkets also closed. I was just wondering where to go to buy it, and my mother told me that it was cool. Let me wear more. I didn't care much about it, and I just got out of the door.

  Your feet just step out the door I have some back, keep it cold like ice straight drill to my bones, frozen I shivered. I can not help but pay attention to the surrounding old trunk instead of grace, the branches of sloshing in the cold, just like a bony hand toward the sky. The sky is thick clouds, it seems to be brewing, black face, rumbling roar up. The north wind howled on the left, like an unstable child. I seem to think what, indeed, the air blowing a shining white piece of snow, the whole sky is black, and the ground is white and shiny. It seems so monotonous and so colourless. I wrapped my coat wrapped in my coat, and some regrets did not listen to my mother's advice.

  On the way, the bitter cold wind announces the arrival of winter. I speed up the pace, feet are like ice like heavy snow, the slightest slip into my face and neck, just want to reach out with a gust of wind, bared slip hid in my collar. Oh, this winter is really enthusiastic! Very few pedestrians on the road, the world will be more monotonous deserted, after buying my mom I pretended to be sad special purchases for the Spring Festival, looked around, when the right should be the cold of the scene, looking back to a cold. I can't help but make a chill, complaining about the sudden winter.

  In my mind, the pace is quicker. Can just walk a few steps, I was that the side of the road to the beauty to absorb the eyeballs, stand like a cloud of green flame, in the cold and unyielding waving body, seems to be using this winter to exhaust all the skills, cold resistance. Ho, a character in my eyes refuse to be cowed or submit! Smile, black and white scenery around seem bright up. The dead branches no longer rocks, it is like a bald old man like bold in there; the black clouds are no longer clouds, it reflects the quiet ground in the setting sun; the north wind is no longer screaming, it instantly incarnation as a weak girl in me by a breeze patches of white... This winter, already constitute a fluttering picture in my eyes, like the spring catkins, like summer clean, like autumn maple...

  What a colorful winter!

  Although it is not full of poetic charm in autumn, it is better than thousands of scenery in my eyes. A cold winter, it is so colorful, it is coming, in my winter vacation life, a unique style of elegance.













  In my home, it contains happiness and happiness. Mom and dad do their job, my younger brother and self motivated, can not happiness? Brother laughs with Su ya, my father and mother could not be happy adding the trimmings,?

  There are three chapters in our family. Today I'll talk about the first chapter. The first chapter is to wash your face, brush your teeth, and wash your feet before you go to bed.

  Remember, go out for dinner and guess home late, after arriving home, mom roared: you all go to brush your teeth, wash your face, and wash your feet. Dad and I had to come to you, brother of your shoes and socks a fly. Sitting on the sofa and watching the cartoon, my mother seemed to have not seen it, and went to change clothes.

  When I was all right is what I saw in the cartoon with brother in the best of spirits of music dancing singing. I stared at him and said, do you wash your feet?

  He grin in a grin and said, "no, wait for the mother to come, you don't say, you say I wash my feet."

  I screamed, mom, he didn't wash his feet.

  A brother immediately went to his room, then followed by the mother went to his house angrily said: you go to give me love.

  You get that innocent eyes looked at mother said: Well, I'm not going.

  My mom went to catch him, he can run faster than a rabbit, mom tired cannot run away, he is alive and kicking, they ran around the bed, I see the dazzling. I went to watch TV before after listen only shouted: help ah. I was pulled out by my mother.

  Oh, brother is really poor mom forced to wash, but also not to lose him, who let him do not wash it, as I at the moment we fluttered a foot odor, I think, you just stepped on brother on the sofa, I frantically ran out of my room. Well, finally get rid of that nasty odor.

  My family has a naughty boy, is not very interesting? Next time I tell you about my mother's heroic deeds, this is just one of the interesting things, as long as you come to my house, you can not laugh the.











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