A letter to my mother

2017-10-28 小学英语作文

文 章 来 源 ao ue . om Dec. thDear mother,

    have been good at school. often th nk of you hen go to bed because e al ays go for a alk before go to bed at home. So m ss you everyday. Do you m ss me? hy don’t you call me? ’ve got a lot of th ngs to tell you. ne of the th ngs s about fore gn teacher’s daughter. Her name’s Skyler. She l ves n anada. She comes to our class to learn h nese and ngl sh th me n my class. Th s afternoon, hen t as art and craft class, our class ere clean ng the gymnas um. nd she d d t th us too. So usually talk to her hen she doesn’t kno hat to do? But hen the class s over, al ays haven’t got enough t me to talk to her. nd usually can’t f nd her. So e don’t have t me to ntroduce to each other. But t s the f rst t me that have a fore gn student. So ’m very happy! um, you often tell me, “ f you are happy, ’ll be happy, too.” So you have to be happy, because ’m happy! l ke you hen you are happy!

    n the end sh you everyth ng s just f ne!

 Yours,Soph a. 文 章 来 源 ao ue . om

【A letter to my mother】相关文章:

1.A letter to my mother

2.A letter to my mother

3.小升初英语作文范文:A letter to my mother

4.小升初英语满分作文:A letter to my mother

5.My Mother

6.My mother

7.My mother

8.My Mother

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