A Good Deed

2017-10-28 初中英语作文

中国作文网(www.T262.com)原创整理的 > 初中英语作文       根据下面四幅图画,以“A Good Deed”为题按顺序写一篇约50字的短文。

                                  A Good Deed
     Yesterday when Susan was waiting for the bus at a bus stop, she saw a purse lying on the ground. She picked it up and opened it. In it was some money and a telephone card. She wanted to find out who lost it. So she went to a public telephone and dialed the number on the card. Fortunately someone answered the phone. When the lady came and got back her purse,she thanked Susan for her good deed.

【A Good Deed】相关文章:

1.关于品德的初中英语作文-A Good Deed

2.A Good Winter Brings a Good Summ

3.Good Manners


5.A Good Plan


7.My Good Friend

8.Are Prizes a Good Thing?

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